We have the tools,
We have the insights,
We have the knowledge,
We know how to get results.
Let us manage your Facebook posts and pages, let us automate your Twitter posts, let us run your YouTube or Vimeo channel.
Why Ryan Social?
Why not just yourself, or your nephew who knows all about Facebook? Why not another company? Why? We’ll tell you why:
1. Because we care about your business.
We don’t just clock up some hours and send you an invoice for it, we talk to our friends about it, we eat there, drink there, recommend it, pick up rubbish on the sidewalk outside if we have to.
2. Because we’re so much more than just your typical marketing managers.
You would be surprised what we can help you out with, of course it won’t be part of our daily tasks, but should anything come up we probably will be able to help you out. The office is complaining about the boring radio at work? Why don’t we ask everyone for their top 20 and make a huge playlist up shuffling everyone’s songs all day long? You’re understaffed at short notice? Why don’t we ring around our other affiliates and see if we can find someone to help you out temporarily. Your computers have crashed? Let us have a look at it before an expensive call out.
3. We’re the leader of the pack. We’re building the bandwagons not jumping on them. We’re looking for the next big idea, and trying to put your business at the forefront of it.
4. We’re flexible. Budgets and revenue are continually changing. Perhaps the money designated to your marketing department will be bigger around special times of the year. We’re happy with that, we can be as flexible as you need. We can be available for support or roll out of initiatives at 5 am or 11 pm, at lunch, whenever it’s required.
5. We’re cool. We’re also vibrant, young, fresh and enthusiastic – but all these resonate with cool. You should never have your marketing seen as lame, whatever industry you are in, working with cool cats will always give you an advantage. It’s world experience, it’s knowing what young people want, how they talk, it’s knowing what people think is cool, knowing what makes them laugh.
6. We’ll become the most viable cost to your business. For every dollar you spend on us, we are working to generate you 5-10 times that back. A few hours of precise google work should drive a significant number of extra visitors to your site, a clever ad done the right way in the right publication at the right time will cost you a few hundred dollars and return you a few thousand. Plus: no super, no holiday pay, no training manuals, no H&S procedures, no unfair dismissal litigation. Using Ryan Social, you just come up with a rough amount of hours per week we will dedicate to your business, a rough marketing budget, and we just invoice you. Claim it on tax, and have a staff Christmas party with all the saved money on superannuation and holiday pay! It’s the 2012 way to do things.
7. We’re resourceful. You could tell us you run a company selling hot water bottles to Kenyan mountain trekkers and we would successfully market your product, we’ve never dealt with Kenyans before and we have never marketed hot water bottles. It’s not about doing the marketing off the top of your head or past experience, it’s about being resourceful. Doing research, talking to people in the relevant industry, regularly polling or questionnaire to your customers, looking at what others in the industry are doing. Our resourcefulness will get your business on the forefront of your industry.
8. We’re honest. Ryan Social is not about saying ‘yes’. Sure, you might fire us because you really love the idea your proposing and we strongly recommend against it, we aren’t afraid of that. To build up a litany of success stories we need to be sure everything is gone about the right way. Our objections or endorsements will never be personal, they will be strongly supported by evidence. We’re also saturated in integrity, we won’t play dirty tricks to beat your competitors, that’s not our game. We are all trustworthy and honest people who you can leave the keys with, trust with your passwords and logins.
9. We’re intelligent. We can be as intellectual as your market is, we can use the big words, crunch the tough algorithms and see patterns and correlations. If your marketing requires more ‘simple’ language and imaging, we’re smart enough to see that, and to accurately execute it. We’re clever. Working with us, you’ll find yourself saying “ohhh that’s clever” on a regular basis, and then your customers/clients will be saying “ohhh that’s clever”.
10. We love what we do. Enough said.